hate, Uncategorized

I Can’t Watch the Footage, Can You? When Terror Takes Over and The World Is Shaken

It’s been a heavy few days.  The footage of what is coming in from Israel and Palestine is too painful to watch.

I learned a deep truth about myself during the pandemic and the BLM riots. I have a deep core value of non-violence. All violence, of any kind, for any reason, goes against my spirit on a soul cutting level. I don’t believe anyone, anywhere, should ever be in fear for their personal safety.  Whether that’s domestic violence or child abuse happening in the home, violent attacks happening on our streets or full on terrorist attacks like we have witlessness these last few days, life, all life, should be respected and valued.

I remember the season going through my domestic violence divorce. A season I knew every day someone was out there telling my child in detail how he wanted to kill me. Telling her one day I would just be “gone”.  I remember the safety plans, the police on speed dial, the restraining orders and never fully closing both eyes to sleep. I remember terror. And yet what I experienced is NOTHING remotely as horrifying as to what is happening now.  I can’t even begin to imagine being a parent watching my child brutally murdered or my daughter violently raped. I am sick as I write this.

My Jewish friends have been crying for days.  And I know they are not the only ones.  Years ago, I met a young Muslim boy who shared with me how his family here in America would go into hiding whenever there was a terrorist attack because they were afraid of retaliation. 

So openly it’s hard to post a blog or send an email telling you about the offers, resources and “fun” events I have planned for you when I know people are currently hiding in terror.

So for today I will only say this.

If you have family in Israel or Palestine I am praying for you.

If you are Jewish or Muslim I am praying for you.

If you are in a situation personally where there is terror in your life or in your home I am praying for you.

Violence is hate.  Evil is rooted in hate. And in a world where we share one race – the human race – there is no place for hate. 

United against hate – all hate – is the only way we will create a world where every life is valued, respected, and safe. 

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